PNA-X Microwave Network Analyzer
The most versatile and flexible single-shot microwave test engine for measuring active devices
N5242B 10MHz-26.5GHz 2,4ports
N5244B 10MHz-43.5GHz 2,4ports
N5245B 10MHz-50GHz 2,4ports
N5247B 10MHz-67GHz 2,4ports
Combined with millimeter wave module, expandable to 1.1THzPNA-L Microwave Network Analyzer
Universal network analyzer
N5232B 300KHz-20GHz 2,4ports
N5234B 10MHz-43.5GHz 2port
N5235B 10MHz-50GHz 2port
PNA Microwave Network Analyzer
The highest performing network analyzer for your budget
N5222B 10MHz-26.5GHz 2,4ports
N5224B 10MHz-43.5GHz 2,4ports
N5225B 10MHz-50GHz 2,4ports
N5227B 10MHz-67GHz 2,4ports
Combined with millimeter wave module, expandable to 1.1THz
N9912A FieldFox Handheld RF analyzer,4 GHz 和 6 GHz
Cable and antenna analyzer (CAT) and vector network analyzer (VNA): 2 MHz to 4 / 6 GHz;Spectrum analyzer (SA): 100 kHz to 4 / 6 GHz;Portable and functional handheld RF analyzer: standard models include cable and antenna analysis;Add options such as t / R VNA, spectrum analyzer and built-in power meter to expand functions;The function of measuring RL and DTF simultaneously in a single scan can save time;Quickcal can be calibrated on site;Combined with USB power sensor, average power and pulse power can be easily measured;6.2 pounds only
N9928A FieldFox Handheld microwave spectrum analyzer,26.5 GHz
26.5 GHz maximum frequency;Use full-featured handheld T / R VNA analyzer;Optional 2-port VNA, time domain, vector voltmeter, cable and antenna analyzer can improve measurement flexibility;Time can be saved by measuring all 4 S parameters at the same time through a single connection;Quickcal, full dual port unknown pass through calibration and TRL can perform accurate tests;Easy measurement of average power and pulse power with USB power sensor;Small, hand-held vector network analyzer (VNA) weighs just 6.6 pounds (3.0 kg)
N9927A FieldFox Handheld microwave spectrum analyzer,18 GHz
18 GHz maximum frequency;Carry and use a full-featured handheld T / R VNA analyzer;Optional 2-port VNA, time domain, vector voltmeter, cable and antenna analyzer can improve measurement flexibility;Time can be saved by measuring all 4 S parameters at the same time through a single connection;Quickcal, full dual port unknown pass through calibration and TRL can perform accurate tests;Easy measurement of average power and pulse power with USB power sensor;Small hand-held